Lessons Learned from 700 Peloton Rides
“You’re ready for your 700th ride!” was the message I received when firing up my Peloton this morning.
My savior during COVID, my Peloton bike, gear, and the culture that comes with this organization have pushed me through the ups and downs of life over the last few years. From dynamic classes and instructors to keeping myself healthy physically and mentally, I have learned a lot about myself through this life-changing brand.
Here are the top lessons I’ve taken from my relationship with Peloton:
1. You are stronger than you think
Most of my life has involved some sort of athletics, competition, or self-assigned goals of achievement. Especially during the course of my weight loss transformation (down 100lbs) I learned to dig deeper when that line of discomfort came along.
Whether a workout, a run, or a ride, you will feel that fork in the road coming that says, “You can quit now” or “You’ve got this” and that first road ALWAYS looks more enticing. It’s the 2nd road that’s not initially as sexy, but the finish line is more rewarding. Growth, success, and happiness happen at the end of that road.
I’m not talking about pushing yourself into the red line of damage but knowing there’s a little bit more in the tank. Peloton’s metrics and instructors do an amazing job of showing you that the 2nd path is truly worth it and you’re fully capable of going that route.
You must be proud of yourself and believe in yourself enough to push a little more. That self-belief is invaluable.
This goes for our mental capabilities too. Don’t ever discount how strong you truly are in the heart and mind.
2. Kindness is everything
If you look closely in a video of mine, or if you meet me in person, you’ll notice I wear a black wristband and have for the past couple of years.
I had the distinct privilege of attending a class at the Peloton studios in New York as a personal guest of yoga/meditation instructor Anna Greenberg. I reached out to Anna to simply thank her for what she’s doing as her meditations and yoga practices helped me through a time of intense emotional struggle in my life.
I didn’t realize that outreach would land me on a yoga mat in the studio.
We struck up a friendship and she invited me to the studios as her guest which is where I got the wristband as a class participant.
That gesture meant the world to me and the wristband is a constant reminder of the value of just being kind and speaking your gratitude directly.
Between that connection and the ever-present high-fives in classes, kindness breeds energy, positivity, and community. We light up when we connect, when we support and lift each other, and it benefits everyone involved.
3. You’re not alone
One of the things that Peloton does an immaculate job of is building community and togetherness. Whether you’re watching the class attendees cheer each other on, the instructor cheering you on as you watch the screen, or seeing names upon names on a leaderboard, you’re never alone in this community.
What they’ve done an even better job of is creating community with mental and emotional health. From mental health rides and meditations to dedicated series around mental and emotional strength, awareness of differences, or celebrations of uniqueness, Peloton brings us all together.
In moments where I may have felt more isolated, more alone than I actually am, even a quick 5-minute meditation lets me know that my belief is far from the truth.
We are never alone and we are constantly surrounded by support.
4. Creativity & fun makes things easier
If I’m being honest, I’ve rarely been super jazzed about putting myself through a workout. I know what the end result is, but there are days where it’s the absolute LAST thing I WANT to do.
That’s why creativity and fun are absolutely critical to my workout regimen and it’s been what’s kept me consistent all these years.
The Peloton bike is a perfect example of that because, candidly, it’s always been my least favorite cardio equipment. Between the variety of genres of music, moods/themes of the rides, or the variety in instructor styles, not only did it get me interested, but it’s kept me interested for years.
Again, it’s my least favorite cardio option.
When I think about it, how are we doing this in our lives personally and professionally?
How are we intentionally changing things up?
How are we intentionally having fun?
What are we doing to keep it interesting?
It’s time you start experimenting with your schedule. Change up your meetings, work on new and different projects, pick a theme or mood for the day and own it.
When we change things up even the slightest way, even in the strictest routine, it brings joy, interest, and fun. Aren’t those adjectives you’d like to have present in your life?
Overall, I can’t say enough great things about my experience with Peloton and all of the many ways that I’ve personally improved which has also led to professional success.
Here’s to 700 rides of growth and a path to immense success (and fun) moving forward!
Oh, and find me and add me on the Leaderboard @richbracken