Welcome to 2025: The Year of Pandemonium

Happy New Year!

So here we are, the new chapter of your life, the blank slate, the fresh start.

What do you plan on doing with it?

I’ve been pondering this question for the last few weeks. Mainly, I’ve been focusing on the crossroads of what’s missing from my life and what could make it exponentially better.

What did I come up with? Unapologetic confidence.

Now let’s be clear, there’s a MASSIVE difference between confidence and arrogance and that difference is that my confidence is my belief in me and has nothing to do with comparison to anyone else, except for me.

We should all be more confident in ourselves. The belief that you can, or that you even have a fighting chance, is a step ahead of where most of us have been for years.

That belief creates momentum, grace, progress, growth.

So, here I go and I want you to move shoulder to shoulder with me in your own confidence, your own progress, because I truly believe in you and want your happiness and success to exceed any expectation you have.

And, if you have known me for 2 seconds, there’s music involved in this revelation and new mindset.

The song I’ve been playing on repeat during this process is “Pandemonium” by NF. Between the lyrics and the beat, there is just a new level of confidence that it brings out in me. It makes me pull my shoulders back, take a huge breath, and stare any challenge in the face with a smile.

What song does that for you?

Please comment on this blog or message me directly as I’d love to not only hear what your song is, but what your new goals/mindset are.

It’s time for us to go after what we want in life, step by step.

It won’t be easy, but it’ll be absolutely worth it. Each day is an opportunity to get closer, even if it’s one step.

But I’m cheering for you AND for me.

I’m sharing my confidence playlist below, plus a phenomenal live performance of my new anthem below as live music is a love language for me.

I will warn you, the playlist is loud and unapologetic as well. Listen at your own discretion, but also you may find a new energy in here.

Cheers to the best year of our lives.


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